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Primus Vitória’s manufacturing plant has two
industrial centers in Aveiro. The manufactured parts
have a high standard of quality and win customers
in the domestic and foreign markets.
Head Office (Showroom)
R. João Gonçalves Neto, Nº66
Apartado 2 – Aradas
3811-801 Aveiro | Portugal
40º 37′ 09.85” N | 8º 38′ 22.14” O
telf. +351 234 400 500
«Call to national fixed network»
tlm. +351 919 280 777
«Call to national mobile network»
fax: +351 234 381 124
Working hours:
08h30 – 12h30
14h00 – 18h00
Zona Industrial de Taboeira,
Rua Cabecinho das Pedras
3800-430 Aveiro | Portugal
40º 39′ 12.65” N | 8º 36′ 17.48” O
Working hours:
08h30 – 12h30
14h00 – 17h00
Send us
a message
Head Office:
R. João Gonçalves Neto, Nº66
Apartado 2 . 3811-801 Aradas
Aveiro | Portugal
Rua Cabecinho das Pedras
Apartado 2 . 3811-801 Aradas
Aveiro | Portugal
Working hours:
08h30 – 12h30
14h00 – 18h00*
*Expedition: 17h00